PRHA’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMSs)
The ‘Tenant Satisfaction Measures’ (TSMSs) offer a new approach for helping social housing residents see how their landlord is performing against some key service areas, along with how their landlord is addressing any service delivery issues that are identified.
The TSMSs were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing and took effect from 1st April 2023. They apply to all social housing providers, and are therefore relevant for all PRHA residents including those in both general needs and supported housing accommodation.
As all social housing providers are required to publish their TSMSs data, and as each landlord must use the same set of indicators, this will make it easier for you as a resident to judge how PRHA is performing against other social landlords and housing providers.
The TSMs fall into two categories – landlord performance TSMs (direct performance information) and tenant perception TSMs (how well our residents feel we are performing). For the tenant perception TSMs, PRHA surveyed residents in April 2024. The main results of our first set of performance and perception TSMs are shown in the attached report and others are shown in relevant sections of this website (ASB/Complaints/Engagement).
The Measures

What does PRHA do with the TSMSs?
The most important thing is that we want to improve both our performance and residents’ experience of our services. So we want to continuously improve the results by understanding what lies behind the figures. This means reviewing them alongside other information such as complaints and listening to resident feedback (see “Residents/ Involvement and participation”).
We aim to feedback on proposed service improvements through the website, newsletter and information screens. If you have any suggestions for service improvement please email us on
PRHA’s approach to the Tenant Perception questions
The figures for PRHA’s Tenant Perception measures come directly from our 2024 TSMSs Survey.
More details about the methodology can be found by clicking the link below:
If you have any comments or questions concerning the information in this report please contact the Performance and Monitoring Team via