Fire Safety in the home

As your landlord, we are responsible for carrying out regular fire safety checks in the communal areas of buildings. As a resident you should familiarise yourself with the ‘Fire Evacuation’ plans in your building.

You can also help to reduce the risk of fire in your home by following some simple steps:

  • Keep all exits from your home clear.
  • Ensure you know where any keys to windows and doors are and keep them within easy reach.
  • Know where your Fire Exits are and how to get to them, even if visibility is poor because of smoke.
  • Keep communal areas, corridors and stairways clear of obstructions eg: prams, bikes or other large items as they could stop people  evacuating the building.
  • Don’t leave lit candles unattended.
  • Don’t smoke in bed.
  • Close all internal doors at night before you go to bed. This will help to prevent the spread of fire.
  • Ensure that all Fire Doors are closed. NEVER PROP OPEN A FIRE DOOR.*
  • Don’t overload electrical sockets or use cheap chargers.
  • Switch off any electrical equipment at the wall if you can. Items left on standby could cause a fire.

You can check how safe your property is with this simple tool – (Click link) LFB Home Fire Safety Checker

*Learn more about Fire Doors, what they do to stop the spread of fire, and why you should NEVER prop a Fire Door open.



Electric Bikes & Scooters are more popular today than ever as a convenient mode of transport. However, the Lithium-Ion batteries that power them have been the cause of a large number of Fires as a result of faulty batteries or non adherence to correct charging procedure. The London Fire Brigade have said that when these types of batteries or chargers fail, the resulting fires can spread rapidly and out of control.

If you have an E-Bike or Scooter please follow these guidelines to help you minimise any risk of fire:

  • Residents must never store e-bikes or e-scooters in communal areas.
  • Never block your escape route with anything, including bikes and scooters. Store them somewhere away from a main through route.
  • Always use the correct charger for the product and buy an official one from a reputable seller.
  • Batteries can get warm during their use and it is advisable to allow them to cool down before attempting to re-charge as they could be more susceptible to failure.
  • Batteries should always be charged on hard flat surfaces where heat can disappear.
  • Batteries can also pose a risk if they have been damaged, so try to ensure they are not getting knocked around while in use or while being carried as spares, as this can increase the chance of damage to cells.
  • You should always make sure you unplug your charger once it’s finished charging. Always follow manufacturers’ instructions when charging and we would advise not to leave it unattended or while people are asleep.
  • Ensure smoke alarms are fitted in areas where e-bikes or e-scooters are being charged and make sure they are tested regularly.

You can access more information & Safety Advice on E-scooters & E-bikes by clicking on the links below:

Tower Hamlets CouncilChargesafe (Click)

London Fire & Rescue (Click)


Actions if you discover a fire.

  • If you discover a fire: Raise the Alarm! Operate the nearest red ‘Break Glass’ point or shout “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE
  • Leave the building immediately by the nearest Fire Exit. DO NOT stop collect any belongings.
  • DO NOT use the lift if you live above the Ground Floor. Use the staircase and leave via the nearest Fire Exit.
  • Dial 999 immediately.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until you are told that it is safe to do so by the Emergency Services.


For further information and advice visit


Building Safety

PRHA is legally required to provide homes that meet core Decent Homes Standard and other Health & Safety legislation. As a resident you have the right to a home that is fit for human habitation. We want you to be safe in your home so we carry out regular maintenance and inspections of:


Gas Boilers

Building Structures

Pest Control


If you have any concerns around safety in your home or building please contact the Property Services Team on 0207 920 7300 who will investigate the issue for you.

(If any maintenance operative or Property Services needs access to your home for the purposes of investigation, please help us to help you by allowing them access. They will have ID which they will be happy to show you on request)