PRHA residents & staff get vaccinated.
February 3, 2021 12:52 pmResidents and staff at some PRHA schemes have started to receive their vaccinations against Coronavirus. This is how the program has progressed so far:
Daniel Gilbert House – 27 Residents and 1 Staff Member
Dellow Centre – 18 Residents and 8 Staff Members
Providence House – 23 Residents and 2 Staff Members
Edward Gibbons House – 22 Residents out of 32
We are delighted with the uptake of the vaccine by so many and we look forward to continuing the rollout of the vaccine to all of our residents and staff in all schemes as soon as NHS Vaccination teams are able to visit them. If you are offered the vaccine, please avail yourself of the opportunity. If you are concerned about having the vaccine, speak to your GP or health care team who will be able to answer any questions you may have. You can find more information about vaccines from the NHS here